Exploring Predicated Themes from a Systemic Functional Point of View in Alan Paton’s Novels



This paper intends to prove that the recurrent use of predicated themes in the novels written by the South African writer Alan Paton has certain communicative implications, since they are appropriate to express feelings, and to highlight information in situations of climax in the novels under analysis. The analysis of this syntactic structure in context will point out that predicated themes allow the writer to be conscious that he is asserting or denying something in a firm way; the predicated theme is also an important structure for the textual organisation of discourse. The linguistic framework for this paper is systemic functional linguistics (Halliday & Matthiessen 2004), a linguistic school that establishes a clear link between lexico-grammatical choices in the text, and the relevant contextual factors surrounding it. Systemic linguistics explores how linguistic choices are related to the meanings that are being expressed.



Met hierdie artikel word daar gepoog om te bewys dat die herhaalde gebruik van bevestigde temas in die romans van die Suid-Afrikaanse skrywer Alan Paton bepaalde kommunikatiewe implikasies het: in die romans wat ontleed is, word hierdie temas aangewend om uitdrukking aan gevoelens te gee en om inligting in klimakssituasies uit te lig. Deur die ontleding van hierdie sintaktiese struktuur binne die konteks word daar getoon dat bevestigde temas die skrywer in staat stel om daarvan bewus te wees dat hy iets nadruklik te kenne gee of ontken. Die bevestigde tema voorsien ook ’n belangrike struktuur vir die tekstuele organisasie van diskoers. Die linguistiese raamwerk vir hierdie artikel is sistematiese funksionele linguistiek (Halliday & Matthiessen 2004) – 'n skool van linguistiek wat toon dat daar ’n duidelike skakel tussen leksikogrammatiese keuses in die teks en die relevante kontekstuele faktore daaromheen is. Sistematiese linguistiek verken hoe linguistiese keuses verband hou met die betekenisse waaraan uitdrukking gegee word.


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Author Biography

María Martínez Lirola, University of Alicante

María Martínez Lirola holds a PhD in English Studies. Her present areas of research are Alan Paton, discourse analysis, text linguistics and multimodality. Since October 2002, she has been working as Assistant Professor at the University of Alicante in Spain. She lectures grammar, English, text linguistics, and the PhD course: The Relationship between Language, Context and Text: An Introduction to Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar. From February until July 2005 she worked as a visiting scholar at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia). During February and March 2006, she did research on Alan Paton’s speeches in the Alan Paton Centre (University of KwaZulu-Natal), and on academic writing in the Department of Education of the same university.




How to Cite

Lirola, María Martínez. 2008. “Exploring Predicated Themes from a Systemic Functional Point of View in Alan Paton’s Novels”. Journal of Literary Studies 24 (1):101-28. https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/jls/article/view/12639.


