Dog Stars and Dog Souls: The Lives of Dogs in Triomf by Marlene van Niekerk and Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee



This essay begins with a brief overview of current debates on animals and dualism from Mary Midgley’s “practical” ethics to Val Plumwood’s ecological philosophy. The narratives which I consider, Triomf ([1994]1999) by Marlene van Niekerk and Disgrace ([1999]2000) by J.M. Coetzee, both posit some continuum between humans and dogs. They locate the dogs culturally and historically and represent them as subjects capable, within heterarchical relationships, of complex interactions with humans. The novels also pose ontological questions about being human in relation to other animals, as well as engaging with metaphysical and spiritual questions. Both Van Niekerk and Coetzee, I argue, make profound ecological statements about the dualisms of racism, speciesism and their reticulations.



Hierdie artikel begin met ‘n kort oorsig oor die huidige debatte oor diere en dualisme, van Mary Midgley se “praktiese” etiek tot Val Plumwood se ekologiese filosofie. Die narratiewe waarna ek verwys, Triomf ([1994]1999) deur Marlene van Niekerk en Disgrace ([1999]2000) deur J.M. Coetzee, postuleer albei een of ander kontinuum tussen mense en diere. Hulle plaas die honde kultureel en histories en stel hulle voor as subjekte wat in staat is tot komplekse interaksies met mense binne heterargekale verhoudings. Die romans postuleer ook ontologiese vrae omtrent menslikheid in verhouding tot ander diere, en stel ook metafisiese en spirituele vrae. Ek voer aan dat beide Van Niekerk en Coetzee grondige ekologiese stellings oor die dualisme van rassisme, spesiesisme en hulle retikulasies maak.


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Author Biography

Wendy Woodward, University of the Western Cape

Wendy Woodward teaches English Studies at the University of the Western Cape. She has published in the fields of postcolonialism and gender, as well as in South African writing. Most recently she has co-edited  Deep hiStories, Gender and Colonialism in Southern Africa (Rodopi: 2002). Her current research interests include ecological discourses in Indian and South African writing.




How to Cite

Woodward, Wendy. 2001. “Dog Stars and Dog Souls: The Lives of Dogs in Triomf by Marlene Van Niekerk and Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee”. Journal of Literary Studies 17 (3/4):30 pages.


