Towards the Understanding of the Modern Grotesque



Even though the grotesque may be seen as a phenomenon that transcends generic, theoretical and periodic categorisations, in this article the emphasis is on its significance as an artistic device that enables writers to expose, highlight or conceal their individual apprehensions in respect of the challenges facing their generation. A brief evaluation of some of the pivotal works published in the second half of the twentieth century is followed by a summary of the evolution in the understanding of both the term and the phenomenon. In the evaluation of the critical works the emphasis is limited to the most influential contribution each of these works makes to the body of the grotesque scholarship. Likewise, in tracing the evolution, attention is paid only to the substantial shifts in the understanding of the grotesque in a given period. In conclusion, an attempt is made at specifying some criteria which might be helpful in recognising the grotesque work as well as orienting oneself in its ambivalent universe.



Hoewel die groteske gesien kan word as ‘n verskynsel wat genre sowel as teoretiese en periodiese kategorieë oorskry, val die klem in hierdie artikel op die belangrikheid van die groteske as kunsgreep wat skrywers in staat stel om hulle individuele bedenkings oor die uitdagings waarvoor hulle generasies te staan kom, te onthul, te beklemtoon of weg te steek. ‘n Bondige evaluasie van ‘n paar kenmerke uit die tweede helfte van die twintigste eeu word gegee en opgevolg met ‘n opsomming van die evolusie in die begrip van die term en die verskynsel. By die beoordeling van kritiese werk is die perspektief beperk tot die mees invloedryke bydraes wat elkeen van die werke tot die studie van die groteske lewer. By die opteken van die evolusie van die begrip word daar ook net aandag gegee aan belangrike verskuiwings in ‘n bepaalde periode. Die artikel word afgesluit met ‘n poging om ‘n paar kriteria aan te gee vir die herkenning van die groteske teks en vir die manier waarop ‘n mens jou in die ambivalente wêreld van die groteske kan oriënteer.


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Author Biography

Agata Krzychylkiewicz, University of South Africa

Agata Krzychylkiewicz is a senior lecturer in the Department of ModernEuropean Languages at Unisa, Russian Section, where she teaches courses on Russian literature and the postrevolutionary Russian civilisation. She obtained her MA degree at Wroclaw University in Poland and DLitt et Phil at Unisa. Her principal research interests center on the grotesque in literature. Apart from articles on various aspects of contemporary Russian literature, she also published articles on the grotesque in the works by avant-garde writers and its relationship with other modes of literary expressions, such as satire or socialist realism. She is the co-editor of the Slavic Almanac.




How to Cite

Krzychylkiewicz, Agata. 2003. “Towards the Understanding of the Modern Grotesque”. Journal of Literary Studies 19 (2):205-28.


