Om al lesende te dink, of, die dekonstruktiewe leeshandeling



Deconstructive reading must be considered as a strategy to explore the paths of thinking. In this strategy emphasis is laid on (1) the textuality of the text which offers a point outside the logocentric totality from where logocentrism can deconstructively be articulated; (2) the suspended position of the author who disappears behind the text, not dominating it anymore; (3) the senselessness of the problem of reference since the text is infinitely disseminated in its continuous undecidable allusion to other texts; (4) the re-interpretation of interpretation which is directed towards the preoccupied dissimulation of the texture of the text itself which amounts to writing as the production of a signifying structure that alluded to nothing but a labyrinth of the path of thinking challenging thinking to venture upon it.



Die dekonstruktiewe leeshandeling word as ’n strategie oorweeg wat denkweë ondersoek. In hierdie strategie word klem gelê op die volgende: 1) die tekstualiteit van die teks wat ’n punt buite die logosentriese totaliteit bied, vanwaar logosentrisme dan op dekonstruktiewe wyse geartikuleer kan word; 2) die opgeskorte posisie van die outeur wat agter die teks verdwyn en dit dus nie langer oorheers nie; 3) die sinloosheid van die probleem van verwysing, aangesien die teks oneindiglik gedissemineer is in sy voortgaande onbeslisbare heenwysing na ander tekste; 4) die herinterpretasie van interpretasie wat gerig is op die gepreokkupeerde dissimulasie van die tekstuur van die teks self, wat neerkom op skrifting as die produksie van ’n betekenende struktuur wat na niks heenwys nie behalwe na ’n doolhof van die pad van die denke en wat die denke uitdaag om sig daarop te waag.


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Author Biography

Fanie de Beer, University of South Africa

Prof. C.S. (Fanie) de Beer studied philosophy at the University of Pretoria and the University of Paris X (Nanterre). He taught philosophy for 15 years and communications for 3 years at the University of Zululand. He has done extensive research (locally and abroad) on themes in philosophy, communications, information, and knowledge utilisation. He has published extensively in all these areas: 5 books (as author); 8 books (as editor); 68 scientific articles; and has written 8 unpublished research reports. After retiring Prof, de Beer was appointed Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Information Science, UNISA. He is currently a temporary researcher and lecturer in the Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria. His most recent scientific involvement and research publications are in the field of teaching in higher education, the current challenges confronting universities, interdisciplinary scientific work, the importance of scientific work and knowledge for South African society, the impact of electronic media developments on individuals, societies and knowledge work, and the philosophy of information and technology.




How to Cite

de Beer, Fanie. 2005. “Om Al Lesende Te Dink, Of, Die Dekonstruktiewe Leeshandeling”. Journal of Literary Studies 21 (1/2):1-28.


