Foucault’s Hölderlin



This article traces the dispersal of language, its significance for Foucault’s idea of Literature in modernity, and the paradigmatic role of Hölderlin’s writings within it. This path centrally involves outlining the interface, in the modern episteme, between language and Literature, the double withdrawal of the gods/God, the double division between reason and madness, and the “mad poet/philosopher/genius” within it. The article draws together Foucault’s archaeological account of Literature, and his genealogy of madness and of genius, in order to elucidate the “truth”, judged by the terms of a genealogical account, and the “falsity”, judged by the terms of an archaeological account, of the proverbial epithet “the mad genius/poet/philosopher” associated with the name of Hölderlin.


Hierdie artikel ondersoek die verstrooiing van taal, die belangrikheid daarvan vir Foucault se idee van die letterkunde in die moderniteit en die paradigmatiese rol van Hölderlin se werke daarin. Die ondersoek skets primêr die koppelvlak in die
moderne episteme tussen taal en letterkunde, die dubbele onttrekking van die gode/God, die dubbele skeiding tussen rede en waansin, en die “waansinnige digter/filosoof/genie” daarbinne. Die artikel trek Foucault se argeologiese verslag van die letterkunde en sy genealogie van waansin en van genialiteit saam ter verheldering van die “waarheid”, beoordeel volgens die terme van ’n genealogiese verslag, en die “valsheid”, beoordeel volgens die terme van ’n argeologiese verslag, van die spreekwoordelike epiteton “die waansinnige genie/digter/filosoof” wat met die naam Hölderlin geassosieer word.


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Author Biography

Ulrike Kistner, University of South Africa

Ulrike Kistner lectures in the Department of Classics & Modern European Languages at UNISA. The fields of her teaching and research include literature and philosophy of the Enlightenment, psychoanalysis and literature, literary theory, postcolonial studies, and political philosophy. She is the author of numerous articles on issues in aesthetic theory, modernity and its discontents, transformations of the public sphere; and a book on post-apartheid human rights.




How to Cite

Kistner, Ulrike. 2006. “Foucault’s Hölderlin”. Journal of Literary Studies 22 (3/4):275-93.