The Gold Standard in English Literary Discourse: Some Functions of the Academic Article in Peer-Reviewed Journals in South Africa



This article is based on a completed research project in which the discipline of English studies, as manifested in the discourse of published, peer-reviewed academic articles over the period 1958-2004 – what we call the “gold standard” of academic literary discourse – forms the object of analysis. The focus of the article is to delineate and describe three major functions of the discipline as manifested by its gold standard, namely career formation, knowledge formation, and canon formation. Our general aim is to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the functions of peer-reviewed journals, to reveal the presence of rules governing discursive production, and to lay bare historical shifts in the approach and choice of disciplinary objects.


Hierdie artikel is gebaseer op ’n voltooide navorsingsprojek waarin die studie-dissipline Engels, soos gemanifesteer in die diskoers van gepubliseerde, portuur-beoordeelde akademiese artikels oor die tydperk 1958-2004 (wat vir ons die “goudstandaard” van akademiese literêre diskoers is), die objek van analise uitmaak. Die fokuspunt van die artikel is die omskrywing en beskrywing van drie hooffunksies van die dissipline soos gemanifesteer deur die goudstandaard daarvan, naamlik loopbaanvorming, kennisvorming, en kanonvorming. Ons algemene oogmerk is om ’n omvattender begrip van die funksies van portuurbeoordeelde tydskrifte te verwerf en om historiese verskuiwings in benadering en keuse van dissiplinêre doelstellings bloot te lê.


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Author Biographies

Derek Barker, University of South Africa

Derek Barker recently completed his doctoral degree in English at the University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria. The thesis examines literary studies in South Africa over the period 1958-2004 through an examination of articles published in peer-reviewed journals. He also holds an MBA from the Open University, Milton Keynes, and an LLB from the College of Law, London. Primary interests are South African prose, poetry and plays, literary historiography, and literary theory. He earns his living as a public-sector consultant, and is based in Vienna, Austria. 

Leon de Kock, University of South Africa

Leon de Kock has been active in South African literary studies for the past 30 years as a writer, academic and public commentator. He has produced critical books, articles, a monograph and two volumes of poetry. He is Professor of English Studies at UNISA.




How to Cite

Barker, Derek, and Leon de Kock. 2007. “The Gold Standard in English Literary Discourse: Some Functions of the Academic Article in Peer-Reviewed Journals in South Africa”. Journal of Literary Studies 23 (2):105-17.


