Wordsworth’s Disgrace: The Insistence of South Africa in J.M. Coetzee’s Boyhood and Youth


  • Pieter Vermeulen Flanders


This article takes issue with the critical tendency to understand J.M. Coetzee’s autobiographical novels Boyhood and Youth as applications of Coetzee’s statements on confession and on “autrebiography” in Doubling the Point. I use Coetzee’s novel Disgrace to argue that his work resists such a reductive interpretation, and that it correlates such an interpretation with certain pedagogical and poetical positions, which all converge in the figure of William Wordsworth. I then argue, through close readings of Boyhood and Youth, that Coetzee’s autobiographical work situates his own writing practice in relation to these positions, and that they formulate a specifically South African response to them that consists in an explicitly “prosaic” form of fiction, which embodies a way of relating experience and recollection that can best be understood in relation to the Wordsworthian program that Boyhood and Youth reconfigure.


Hierdie artikel neem stelling in teenoor die neiging in kritiek om J.M. Coetzee se outobiografiese romans Boyhood en Youth te vertolk as toepassings van Coetzee se stellings oor belydenis en oor “autrebiografie” in Doubling the Point. Ek gebruik Coetzee se roman Disgrace om aan te voer dat sy werk weerstand bied teen so ‘n reduktiewe interpretasie en dat dit so ’n interpretasie korreleer met sekere pedagogiese en poëtiese standpunte wat almal in die figuur van William Wordsworth konvergeer. Voorts voer ek aan die hand van ’n noulettende lees van Boyhood en Youth aan dat Coetzee se outobiografiese werk sy eie skryfpraktyk in verhouding tot hierdie standpunte plaas en dat hulle ’n spesifiek Suid-Afrikaanse respons daarop formuleer, ’n respons wat uit ’n eksplisiet “prosaïese” vorm van fiksie bestaan. Dit behels ’n manier van ervaring en herinnering met mekaar in verband bring wat ten beste verstaan kan word aan die hand van die Wordsworthiaanse program wat Boyhood en Youth herkonfigureer.



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Author Biography

Pieter Vermeulen, Flanders

Pieter Vermeulen is a research assistant of the Flemish Research Council (FWO) in Flanders, Belgium, where he has just finished a dissertation on the work of Geoffrey Hartman, entitled “Phenomenal Sufficiency”. He has articles forthcoming on William Wordsworth and Paul de Man, on Theodor Adorno, and Erich Auerbach, and on Walter Benjamin. A new research project will deal with the relation between philology and the aesthetic in contemporary critical theory.




How to Cite

Vermeulen, Pieter. 2007. “Wordsworth’s Disgrace: The Insistence of South Africa in J.M. Coetzee’s Boyhood and Youth”. Journal of Literary Studies 23 (2):179-99. https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/jls/article/view/13463.


