Irregular Regularity: A Chaos-Theory Reading of the Ecology Presented in Coleridge’s “Frost at Midnight”



This article contextualises the ecocritical assumption that nature determines one’s ideology within a chaos-theory framework, and argues that Coleridge’s “Frost at Midnight” can be seen as an ecosystem, symbolic of the complex relationship between humans and nature. It then proceeds to argue that the complexity of this relationship, which is expressed thematically, is also mirrored in the poetic language that Coleridge employs in the poem – specifically in the repetitions and images that he uses, which seem to “repeat” natural processes. The article shows, through close reading, how Coleridge’s view of humanity (as represented by his child) in relation to nature is linked to and determined by his view of nature.



Hierdie artikel kontekstualiseer die ekokritiese aanname dat omgewing/natuur bepalend is van ‘n mens se ideologie binne ‘n raamwerk van chaosteorie en argumenteer dat Coleridge se “Frost at Midnight” gesien kan word as ‘n ekosisteem; ‘n simbool van die komplekse verhouding tussen mens en natuur. Voorts word geargumenteer dat die kompleksiteit van die verhouding wat tematies aan die bod kom ook blyk uit Coleridge se poëtiese taalgebruik in die gedig en spesifiek in die herhalings en beelde wat hy gebruik. Hierdie twee stylfigure “herhaal” natuurprosesse. Die artikel illustreer deur analise hoe Coleridge se siening van die mensdom (soos versinnebeeld deur sy kind) in verhouding tot die natuur sterk verband hou met en bepaal word deur sy eie siening van die natuur.


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Author Biography

A.C. Swanepoel, Northwest University

Rilette Swanepoel is a lecturer at the School of Languages of North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, where she teaches English literature and film studies. Her MA dealt with otherworldly spaces in the poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and John Keats. Her current research deals with recent postmodern South African fiction.




How to Cite

Swanepoel, A.C. 2007. “Irregular Regularity: A Chaos-Theory Reading of the Ecology Presented in Coleridge’s ‘Frost at Midnight’”. Journal of Literary Studies 23 (4):17 pages.