Ambits of Moral Judgement: Of Pain, Empathy and Redemption in J.M. Coetzee's Age of Iron



This article explores the structure of empathy in the Age of Iron and argues that the novel exposes the horrors of oppression constructed solely on the idea of the victims' perceived difference to the self-appointed master race or class. Coetzee not only raises awareness of the dilemma of morally conscious individuals in our increasingly fractured and violent society; more particularly he sketches the problem of pain and the challenge it poses to the individual. While it is impossible for an individual to stop pain or suffering entirely, she can redeem herself from its Medusan face by a leap of empathy, and by keeping the memory of the oppressed alive. In this way she not only bears testimony for the victims but also becomes one with them.



Hierdie artikel verken die struktuur van empatie in Age of Iron, en voer aan dat die roman die gruwels ontbloot van verdrukking wat plaasvind bloot omdat die slagoffers oenskynlik van die selfaangestelde heersersras of -klas verskil. Coetzee maak die leser nie net bewus van die dilemma van moreel bewuste individue in ons toenemend gebroke en gewelddadige samelewing nie; hy skets veral ook die probleem van pyn en die uitdaging wat dit aan die individu stel. Hoewel dit onmoontlik vir 'n individu is om pyn of lyding volkome te stop, kan sy haarself uit die Medusa-kloue bevry deur 'n empatie-sprong te waag en deur die herinneringe aan die onderdruktes lewend te hou. Op hierdie wyse getuig sy nie net namens die slagoffers nie, maar word sy een van hulle.


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How to Cite

Eze, Chielozona. 2011. “Ambits of Moral Judgement: Of Pain, Empathy and Redemption in J.M. Coetzee’s Age of Iron”. Journal of Literary Studies 27 (4):21 pages.


