Playing God in Small Spaces?: The Ecology of the Suburban Garden in South Africa and the Poetry of Mariss Everitt



This article seeks to address an apparent paucity of scholarly attention in two interrelated areas: a lack of detailed attention to the ecology of the suburban garden in South African urbanisation studies; and a dearth of attention to the suburban garden as locus and trope in South African literature. By briefly surveying urban­planning and related studies, and then focusing on the experiential and pheno­menological dimensions of the garden poems of Mariss Everitt, the article hopes to articulate a space within which urban ecocriticism can take firmer root in local literary scholarship, and in future branch out to interdisciplinary urbanisation studies.

Hierdie artikel wil 'n duidelike gebrek aan wetenskaplike aandag in twee verband­houdende areas hanteer. Die areas is: 'n gebrek aan volledige aandag aan die ekologie van die voorstedelike tuin in Suid-Afrikaanse verstedelikingstudies; en 'n skaarste aan aandag aan die voorstedelike tuin as 'n lokus en klimaat in Suid-Afri­kaanse literatuur. Deur kortliks 'n opname van stadsbeplanning en verwante studies te maak, en dan op die ervarings- en fenomenologiese dimensies van Mariss Everitt se tuingedigte te fokus, hoop die artikel om 'n spasie waarin stedelike ekokritiek sterker in die plaaslike literere vakgeleerdheid kan standhou, uit te spreek, en in die toekoms na interdissiplinere verstedelikingstudies uit te brei.



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How to Cite

Wylie, Dan. 2011. “Playing God in Small Spaces?: The Ecology of the Suburban Garden in South Africa and the Poetry of Mariss Everitt”. Journal of Literary Studies 27 (4):20 pages.


