The Jouissance of Influence: Being and Following the Writer in Michie! Heyns's The Typewriter's Tale



In Frieda Wrath's attempts to balance the demands of her role as amanuensis with her desire to be an author, we can also see Heyns speculate self-reflexively upon the problems and delights attendant upon writing creatively about a writer. The parallels between Heyns and Frieda extend beyond the merely allegorical: they inflect the novel's central ethical dilemma, as well as its negotiation between parody and homage. Writing is intimately associated with telepathy and mediation, activities which are associated, in turn, with the erotic. The effect of jouissance inspired by these metafictional correspondences may be regarded as a challenge to late­twentieth-century debates concerning authority and influence.



In Frieda Wroth se pogings om die vereistes van haar rol as amanuensis uit te balanseer met haar begeerte om outeur te wees, merk ons ook Heyns se self­refleksiewe bepeinsinge aangaande die probleme en vreugdes wat die kreatiewe skryf oor 'n skrywer vergesel. Die ooreenkomste tussen Heyns en Frieda oorskrei die bloot allegoriese: hulle flekteer die etiese dilemma wat aan die kern van die novene staan, asook die teks se verhandeling tussen parodie en eerbetoon. Skryf is intiem verbind met telepatie en nabetragting, aktiwiteite wat op hul beurt geasso­sieer word met die erotiese. Die effek van jouissance wat geYnspireer word deur hierdie ooreenkomste kan beskou word as 'n uitdaging aan laat twintigste eeuse redetwiste aangaande gesag en invloed.



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How to Cite

Scherzinger, Karen. 2010. “The Jouissance of Influence: Being and Following the Writer in Michie! Heyns’s The Typewriter’s Tale”. Journal of Literary Studies 26 (1):19 pages.


