Looking for a Logic in Derrida: Assessing Hurst's "Plural Logic of the Aporia"



Derrida was increasingly overt in later years that he employed a kind of "logic", in which the classical tools of reasoning have their place. This article thus enquires into whether Derrida can be approached logically - to seek this logic - through the foil of Andrea Hurst's 1 work. Hurst suggests Derrida proceeds via one "plural logic", arising from the nonpresence of any concept, contamination and refusal of choice from binary options. These interact to arrive at aporia. Derrida's system thus works via one "internal/external" binary which proceeds in constructive and destructive moments. However, this article suggests that despite arguing for consistency, Hurst elides contradiction as a tool, thus cannot distinguish error from aporia. A critical criterion which utilises noncontradiction is developed, which suggests some ways by which seeking Derrida's logic could proceed, then points to the importance of suspension of logic in Derrida's work. The immediate practical application is to the question of whether Derrida is politically relevant, and it is hoped the outcome will justify the use of this method in reading Derrida.



Derrida was in sy later jare toenemend openlik dat hy 'n tipe "logika" waarin die klassieke redenasiemiddele tot hul reg kom, beoefen het. Hierdie artikel stel dus die vraag of Derrida logies benader kan word, en poog om toegang tot hierdie logika te bekom deur middel van die teenstelling wat Andrea Hurst se werk bied. Hurst gee aan die hand dat Derrida 'n "plurale logika" volg wat spruit uit die nieteenwoordigheid van enige konsep of kontaminasie en die weiering om uit binere opsies te kies. Hierdie dinge tree in wisselwerking met mekaar en lei sodoende tot filosofiese twyfel of aporia. Derrida se stelsel werk dus via binere opposisie, naamlik intern/ekstern, wat in konstruktiewe en destruktiewe momente aangeroer word. Die artikel gee egter aan die hand dat, hoewel Hurst ten gunste van konsekwentheid betoog, sy teenstelling as 'n werktuig weglaat, en dus nie tussen mistasting en aporia kan onderskei nie. 'n Kritiese maatstaf wat nieteenstrydigheid benut, word ontwikkel. Di! dui op enkele maniere waarvolgens die soeke na Derrida se logika kan voortgaan, en wys dan op die belangrikheid van die opskorting van logika in Derrida se werk.

  Die onmiddellike praktiese toepassing is op die vraag of Derrida polities relevant is, en daar word gehoop dat die uitkoms van die artikel die gebruik van hierdie metode in die lees van Derrida sal regverdig. 


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How to Cite

Galetti, Dino R. 2010. “Looking for a Logic in Derrida: Assessing Hurst’s ‘Plural Logic of the Aporia’”. Journal of Literary Studies 26 (3):25 pages. https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/jls/article/view/14986.


