The productivity of the zero degree



This paper deals primarily with the accounts of structuralism postulated by Deleuze in the article 'How Does One Recognise Structuralism?' (1975) and by Barthes in the article 'The Structuralist Activity' (1972). An analysis of these articles shows that structuralism func­tions as a critique, aiming to reveal the conditions of possibility of any given structure. The term 'structuralism' when used in this sense is not limited to theoretical activities, but applies also to the literary text, when it aims to reveal its own conditions of possibility./An analysis of Barthes' articles 'Literature and Discontinuity' and 'The Metaphor of the Eye' shows that the literary text spontaneously provides a structuralist-critique of systems of signification.

Hierdie artikel handel hoofsaaklik oor die verskillende weergawes van strukturalisme soos uiteengesit deur Deleuze in die artikel 'How Does One Recognise Structuralism?' en deur Barthes in die artikel 'The Strucuralist Activity'. 'n Ontleding van hierdie artikels bring aan die lig dat strukturalisme as kritiek (in die spesifieke sin van 'critique') funksioneer, met die doel om die voorwaardes vir die moontlikheid van enige gegewe struktuur bloot te le. Die term 'strukturalisme' soos in hierdie konteks gebruik, word nie alleen tot die teoretiese beperk nie, maar ook in die literere teks aangewend indien dit ten doel het om sy eie voorwaardes van moontlikheid bloot te le. 'n Ontleding van Barthes se artikels 'Literature and Discontinuity' en 'The Metaphor of the Eye' toon dat die literere teks spontaan 'n strukturalistiese kritiek van sisteme van betekenis voorsien.

Author Biography

A Carusi, University of the Witwatersrand

A. Carusi is a Master's student with the Department of Comparative Litera­ture at the University of the Witwatersrand, 1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannes­burg 2000. She is writing the dissertation for this degree on Barthes, Kristeva and Derrida in the journal Tel Quel.




How to Cite

Carusi, A. 1986. “The Productivity of the Zero Degree”. Journal of Literary Studies 2 (1):11 pages.


