Power and the canon, or: How to rewrite an author into a classic



The article sets out to describe various modes of rewriting such as interpretation, commen­tary and anthologyzing as instruments serving the stability of the literary system. Tradition­ally, interpretation and commentary were to remain true to the 'Book' and to prescribed hermeneutic procedures. Since the authority of the text is being discarded in modern pluralistic interpretative practices, it has become clear that authority of interpretation rests in the power, vested in the various literary corporations, which in their turn are dependent on institutionalized educational bodies protecting cultural interests. It is argued that sys­tems theory allows for the description of the constraints determining rewriting. Defining the subordinate position of the literary expert to the powers regulating the system and drawing upon the tendency to self-maintenance which characterizes systems, it is made clear why rewriting tends to censure and reduce the original text to the norms of a given time and audience. This is illustrated with reference to the English rewriting of Heine, the reception of Blake as well as other examples from various literatures. Rewriting is seen as a powerful force in introducing, evaluating and establishing literary identities. The rewritten text tends to become the canon even as it freezes the original in terms of its own dominant values. The rewritten rather than the original text establishes and maintains literature as a system.


Verskeie literere praktyke soos interpretasie, kommentariering en bundeling word in hier­die artikel herdefinieer as herskryfvorme wat die stabiliteit van die literere sisteem waar­borg. Uit die geskiedenis van interpretasie blyk dat getrouheid aan die teks en aan hermeneutiese voorskrifte 'n konvensionele vereiste was. Die eietydse pluralisme het die eintlike basis van die outoriteitsaansprake van interpretasie ontbloot as mag. Hierdie mag is in die hande van literere groepe wat op hul beurt afhanklik is van opvoedkundige institusies wat kulturele belange verteenwoordig. Die artikel wil aandui waarom sisteem­teorie die bepalende faktore van herskrywing kan beskryf. Uit 'n sistemiese beskrywing blyk die ondergeskikte posisie van die literere deskundige ten opsigte van die magte wat die sisteem beheer. Hieruit, asook uit die feit dat selfbehoud 'n kenmerkende tendens van sisteme is, word dit duidelik waarom herskrywing neig tot sensurering en reduksie van tekste in die lig van die norme van 'n bepaalde gehoor en tyd. Dit word ge'fllustreer met verwysing na die herskrywing van Heine in Engeland, die resepsie van Blake en ander voorbeelde uit verskeie literature. Herskrywing word beskou as magsmiddel by die be­kendstelling en evaluering van tekste en by die vaslegging van literere identiteite. Die her­skrewe, gernterpreteerde of bekommentarieerde teks neig om die kanon te word, terwyl dit die teks volgens sy eie norme verander. Die herskrewe teks le die grondslag vir die literere sisteem en sy instandhouding.




How to Cite

Lefevre, Andre. 1986. “Power and the Canon, Or: How to Rewrite an Author into a Classic”. Journal of Literary Studies 2 (2):14 pages. https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/jls/article/view/16265.


