Derivean Reading - a critique of deconstructive criticism



For Derrida deconstruction implies the dismantling of idealism. This article shows how a certain type of deconstructive criticism, here called "Derivean Reading", tends to regress into idealism when the focus is shifted from the re-writing of metaphysical discourse to the re-reading of literary texts. An explanation for this is sought by following through the implications of intertextuality. When the social and political intertext is brought into play, deconstruction proves to be limited when it does not go beyond criticism or philosophy and fails to propose strategies for "rewriting" the structures of society. Deconstruction turns out to be itself an idealist endeavor insofar as it merely challenges our way of understanding the world, without helping to change it.

Vir Derrida impliseer dekonstruksie die aftakeling van die idealisme. Hierdie artikel toon aan hoedat 'n sekere soort dekonstruksiekritiek, hier genoem "Derivean Reading", neig om weer in idealisme terug te val wanneer die fokus verskuif van die herskryf van metafisiese diskoers na die herlees van die literere teks. Ter verduideliking hiervan word op die implikasies van intertekstualiteit ingegaan. Wanneer die sosiale en politieke interteks betrek word, blyk dekonstruksie beperk te wees in soverre dit nie daarin slaag om met strategies vir die "herskryf" van sosiale strukture vorendag te kom nie.




How to Cite

Liebenberg, Wilhelm. 1987. “Derivean Reading - a Critique of Deconstructive Criticism”. Journal of Literary Studies 3 (1):10 pages.


