Systems thinking and cultural relativism



Literary canons nowadays have less of a social influence, but institutionalization prevents academics from facing the challenge this presents. If texts can be viewed within the larger context of culture, literary studies may be revitalised. The nature of power and the role of "rewriters" should be studied for the "resocialization" of literature. Systems theory presents a useful base for this endeavor. The principles of the theory are treated, with special attention to the role of patrons and the interface between systems. Examples of the way in which dominant cultures influence dominated systems are given.


Literere kanons het deesdae minder van 'n sosiale invloed, maar institusionalisering verhoed dat akademici die uitdagings daarvan die hoof bied. lndien tekste binne die wyer konteks van kultuur gesien word, kan literere studies nuwe !ewe kry. Die aard van mag en die rol van "herskrywers" moet bestudeer word vir die "hersosialisering" van literatuur. Die sisteemteorie bied 'n bruikbare basis hiervoor. Die beginsels van die teorie word behandel, met besondere aandag aan die rol van die beskermheer en die interaksie tussen sisteme. Voorbeelde van die wyse waarop die dominante kultuur gedomineerde sisteme bei"nvloed, word gegee.




How to Cite

Lefevere, Andre. 1987. “Systems Thinking and Cultural Relativism”. Journal of Literary Studies 3 (4):12 pages.


