Buehl Emecheta, laughter and silence: changes in the concepts "woman", "wife" and "mother"



As women must speak or write from within an androcentric language, the possibilities for loosening the hold of concepts imposed by and expressed in that language are important to feminists. Emecheta's novels show that the dominance of language may be subverted by the shared laughter of women or by their chosen silence.

Aangesien vroue praat of skryf vanuit 'n androsentriese taal, is die moontlikheid om los te kom uit die houvas van konsepte wat deur daardie taal afgedwing of uitgedruk word, belangrik vir feministe. Emecheta se romans toon dat die oorheersing van taal ondermyn kan word deur die gedeelde gelag van vrouens of deur hulle keuse vir stilte.




How to Cite

Daymond, Margaret. 1988. “Buehl Emecheta, Laughter and Silence: Changes in the Concepts "woman", "wife" and ‘mother’”. Journal of Literary Studies 4 (1):10 pages. https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/jls/article/view/16893.