Teksrelasies: Pleidooi vir 'n gemeenskapsrelevante benadering in literatuurwetenskap en -praktyk



A comprehensive model for the discussion of all relevant texts in a specific textual com­munication process, using comparative approaches, is favoured here. It is suggested that the examination of "(literary) texts" in conjunction with other texts, and using a theme­orientated sociological approach, could lead to literature being regarded and studied as "socio-textual communication". (Afrikaans) literature does not reach the speech community as a whole, while literary instruction has become a tool of the hegemony. Over-emphasis on aesthetic criteria and detailed textual analysis has lead to the decontextualisation of literature. A relevant literary science considers the text as a product of discourse within the actual socio-historical community. The advantages and shortcomings of existing points of departure in the sociology of literature (Vanheste, Scharfschwerdt, F0gen, and others) are briefly examined. One shortcoming is that all the communicative relationships with refer­ence to a text are not yet being examined, white the role of an ideological class struggle, and the relevance of critical texts are not usually emphasized. Moreover, reality (world­wide problem areas; the emergence of progressive alternative educational models in Southern Africa) urges a relevant and comprehensive approach to literary studies, based on the Jakobson diagram of linguistic communication. Selden's interpretation of the model is criticized, and the model is extended to include the (ideological) "macro-text". Text relations - text: reader, text: context, text: (inter-)text, text: message, text: author, text: medium, and text: macro-text - are examined in conjunction with the revised model; text: macro-text especially with reference to Ferreira's Sitate om 'n rewolusie. Literary instruc­tion is criticized for not acknowledging the whole textual situation or the ideological dependence of the text and its functioning within a sphere of hegemonial and contra­hegemonial activities and contemporary circumstances. A more relevant approach to literature is advocated. 

'n Omvattende literatuurbeskouingsmodel, waarin alle relevante tekste in 'n spesifieke tekstuele kommunikasieproses interdissipliner en vergelykend bestudeer kan word, is nodig: 'n tematies-georienteerde literatuursosiologiese benadering van die "(literere) teks" sa.am met ander tekste. Die (Afrikaanse) letterkunde bereik nie die voile spraak­gemeenskap nie, terwyl letterkunde-onderrig deel van die hegemonie geword het: 'n oorbeklemtoning van teksgerigte studie het die letterkunde gedekontekstualiseer. 'n Rele­vante literatuurwetenskap werk teen die hegemonie deur die teks as produk van gemeen­skapskommunikasie te beskou binne 'n sosiaal-historiese werklikheid. Naas winste word gebreke van bestaande literatuursosiologiese uitgangspunte (Vanheste, Scharfschwerdt, F0gen e.a.) genoem, o.m. dat al die kommunikatiewe relasies m.b.t. 'n teks en veral die rol van 'n klassestryd en die relevansie van kritiese tekste selde deurgrond word. Ook die aktualiteit (wereldwye probleemgebiede; die opkoms van 'n progressiewe alternatiewe Suider-Afrikaanse onderwyspraktyk) noop tot 'n ander benadering, gegrond op die Jakob­son-diagram van talige kommunikasie. Kritiek word teen Selden se interpretasie van die model uitgespreek, en die diagram word uitgebrei om die (ideologiese) makroteks te inkorporeer. Teksrelasies - teks-leser, teks-konteks, teks-(inter-)teks, teks-boodskap, teks-outeur, teks-kanaal en teks-makroteks - word ondersoek; lg. aan die hand van Sitate om 'n rewolusie (Ferreira). Verder word kritiek geopper teen die feit dat literatuuronderrig nog nie die globale tekssituasie as deel van die voile spraakgemeenskaplike geskiedenis erken of insien dat 'n teks ideologies onvry is en dus afhanklik van hegemoniese en kontra­hegemoniese aktiwiteite en tydgenootlike omstandighede funksioneer nie. 'n Relevanter literatuurbeskouing word bepleit.




How to Cite

Weideman, George. 1988. “Teksrelasies: Pleidooi Vir ’n Gemeenskapsrelevante Benadering in Literatuurwetenskap En -Praktyk”. Journal of Literary Studies 4 (2):23 pages. https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/jls/article/view/16933.


