The chronotopic level of the structuring of space in Prudentius's Cathemerinon 7



In order to put the whole question of the chronotopic level in the right perspective the three levels of space (identified by Gabriel Zoran), i.e. topographical, chronotopic, and textual, are by way of orientation and introduction briefly characterized. The aims of this study are (a) to apply the chronotopic principle (based on Zoran's theory of space in the narrative) to the narrative components in the text of Prudentius's Cathemerinon 7, (b) to distinguish be­tween and to discuss the synchronic and diachronic situations and relationships to be found in this hymn, and (c) to determine the functionality of the "chronotopos" in this text.
Explanations are offered for the fact that Prudentius's special treatment of the plot material differs significantly from the Biblical intertext on the chronotopic as well as on the textual level. In this article it is claimed that meaning is conveyed through the "chronoto­pos". From the textual evidence, it also becomes clear that the plot's significance and message (especially in the Jonah episode) are considerably strengthened by the chronotopic structuring of the narrative space.
It is finally concluded that the spatial (to a larger extent than the temporal) dimension of the "chronotopos" proves to be extremely functional in this hymn, not only in accentuating the importance of the fast, but also with respect to the latter's consequences and ultimate aim.

Ten einde die chronotopiese vlak in narratiewe ruimte in perspektief te bring, word die drie ruimtelike vlakke (soos deur Gabriel Zoran beskryf), d.w.s. die topografiese, chronotopiese en tekstuele vlak, by wyse van orientering en inleiding kortliks getipeer. Die doelstellings van hierdie artikel is (a) om die chronotopiese beginsel (gebaseer op Zoran se teorie van narratiewe ruimte) op die narratiewe gedeeltes in die teks van Prudentius se Cathemeri­non 7toe te pas, (b) om die sinchroniese en diachroniese momenta en verhoudings wat in hierdie himne voorkom, te onderskei en te bespreek en (c) om die funksionaliteit van die "chronotopos" in hierdie teks te bepaal.
Moontlike verklarings word gebied vir die feit dat Prudentius se besondere hantering van die plotmateriaal op die chronotopiese sowel as die tekstuele vlak betekenisvol van die Bybelse interteks verskil. Verder word aangevoer dat die "chronotopos" betekenisdraend is. Uit die teks word gei"llustreer dat die betekenis en boodskap van die ploVverwikkelings­plan (veral in die Jona-verhaal) aansienlik deur die chronotopiese strukturering van die narratiewe ruimte versterk word.
Ten slotte word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die ruimtelike (in 'n groter mate as die temporale) dimensie van die "chronotopos" besonder funksioneel in hierdie himne blyk te wees, nie alleen t.o.v. die beklemtoning van die belangrikheid van die vas nie, maar ook t.o.v. lg. se gevolge en uiteindelike doelwit.




How to Cite

Mans, M.J. 1988. “The Chronotopic Level of the Structuring of Space in Prudentius’s Cathemerinon 7”. Journal of Literary Studies 4 (2):14 pages.


