Forensics as a Tool in Solving Corruption: A Related Cases in Khomas Region, Namibia
forensic, investigation, the investigator, corruption, evidence and crime sceneAbstract
Corruption poses a significant threat to nations' economic and social fabric, undermining governance, eroding public trust, and hindering development. This study examines the role of forensic techniques in combating corruption, with a specific focus on related cases in the Khomas Region, Namibia. The objective is to understand how forensic tools can effectively unravel complex corruption schemes and contribute to prosecuting and preventing corrupt practices. Through a comprehensive literature review, the study explores the theoretical underpinnings of forensic investigations and their relevance in addressing corruption. Subsequently, a mixed-methods research approach is employed, combining quantitative analysis of corruption-related data and qualitative examination of forensic case studies in the region.
Findings reveal that forensic techniques, including forensic accounting, digital forensics, and forensic auditing, have played a crucial role in uncovering financial irregularities and identifying patterns of corruption in the Khomas Region. These techniques have provided concrete evidence that strengthens legal proceedings and facilitates the conviction of corrupt individuals, thereby promoting accountability and deterring future corrupt activities. Moreover, the research identifies prevalent corruption patterns in the region, such as bribery, embezzlement, and bid-rigging, offering valuable insights for policymakers and law enforcement agencies to tailor targeted anti-corruption measures. The study further underscores the importance of strengthening forensic capacities within the region's law enforcement and financial institutions to enhance investigative effectiveness. Public awareness campaigns are also highlighted as a key aspect of fostering a culture of integrity and transparency. The study emphasises the role of informed citizens in reporting corruption and supporting forensic investigations to combat the menace effectively. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge on the fight against corruption, particularly in the Khomas Region, Namibia context. It offers practical recommendations for policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to leverage forensic techniques as powerful tools in the battle against corruption. Ultimately, the study aspires to promote a more transparent, accountable, and corruption-resistant society in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aloisius Shifiona, BK Lekubu
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Accepted 2023-07-12
Published 2023-08-30