About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Education as Change (EaC) is an accredited, peer-reviewed scholarly online journal that publishes original articles reflecting critically on issues of equality in education and on the ways in which educational practices contribute to transformation in non-formal, formal and informal contexts. EaC's Management Committee understands critique, mainly understood in the tradition of critical pedagogies, as a constructive process contributing towards a better world. 

Contributions from and about marginalised communities, and from different knowledge traditions are encouraged. The articles could draw on any rigorous research methodology, as well as transdisciplinary approaches. Research of a very specialised or technical nature should be framed within relevant discourses. While specialised kinds of research are encouraged, authors are expected to write for a broader audience of educational researchers and practitioners without losing conceptual and theoretical depth and rigour. 

All sectors of education are covered in the journal. These include primary, secondary and tertiary education, adult education, worker education, educational policy and teacher education.

Peer Review Process

The suitability and basic quality of articles are initially reviewed by the editorial team (the Editor-in-Chief, Management Committee members, Guest Editors, and Section Editors). Manuscripts may be rejected at this stage or returned to authors for resubmission before the review process. EaC follows a double-blind review process utilising at least two reviewers for each manuscript. We select local and international reviewers who are familiar with the theoretical and methodological aspects of the article. Reviewers are encouraged to provide detailed critical and constructive comments. We strive towards a review period of 6 weeks.

In the event that a submission has been in review for more than six months, and after two attempts at securing a minimum of two reviewers for the manuscript have failed, and only one reviewer has provided his or her commentary, the Editor-in-Chief is authorised by EaC's Management Committee to make a ruling on the status of the manuscript. In this case, the Editor-in-Chief might consult with at least one other EAC Management Committee member.

Publication Frequency

Education as Change uses a continuous publishing model, according to which articles are published in final form individually as they become ready. The journal publishes one volume per year.

Education as Change also publishes Special Issues, alternatively called Themed Issues, at least twice a year. These Special Issues are clusters of standalone articles organised around a common theme. Proposals by Guest Editors to oversee Special Issues are to be submitted directly to the Chief Editor (at eac1@unisapressjournals.co.za OR at dollienaiem@gmail.com). Guidelines on how to apply are available from the Chief Editor. 

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Authors keep the copyright of their manuscripts under a Creative Commons licence: CC BY SA.


In order to finance open access, EaC requires authors of accepted articles to pay article processing charges (APCs). APCs are payable when the article has been accepted for publication and when an invoice has been delivered. APCs are used to cover all costs related to language editing, publishing, online hosting, and the archiving of each article.

The current rate is RR8,258 per article. These charges are reviewed annually.

The submitting author is responsible for the payment of the APC, which must be confirmed at the time of submission. All amounts are due within 30 days from invoicing. The article will only be published once full payment has been received.

Since EaC encourages researchers from marginalised groups and communities to submit articles, authors could apply to be exempted from the APCs. Since each application will be considered on its own merit, a motivation needs to be provided. Send the application to the Chief Editor when submitting your article. No author would be discriminated against in any way when exemption from the APCs is granted.


Manuscripts containing plagiarism will not be considered for publication in the journal. Plagiarism is defined as the use of another person's work, words or ideas without attribution or permission, and representation of them as one's own original work. Plagiarism may take many forms, ranging from major plagiarism (the copy-and-paste of large amounts of text), to minor plagiarism without dishonest intent (e.g. when an author uses parts of an introduction from an earlier paper) and even self-plagiarism (the re-use of significant, identical or near-identical portions of one's own work without citing the original version).

EaC subscribes to plagiarism detection software and all contributions submitted to the journal will be scanned to verify originality. Ithenticate (http://www.ithenticate.com/) is currently used.

If major plagiarism is brought to light after a manuscript has been published, the journal will proceed to conduct a preliminary investigation. The journal reserves the right to formally retract such manuscripts and publish statements to reference material as plagiarism.

All records are archived.

Licensing and Publishing

In consideration for the publication of your article by Unisa Press, you hereby agree to grant to Unisa Press an irrevocable nonexclusive licence to publish in print and electronic format, and further sublicense the article, for the full legal term of copyright and any renewals thereof in all languages throughout the world in all formats, and through any medium of communication.

The author shall retain the perpetual royalty-free right to reproduce and publish in print and electronic format, and further sublicense the article in all languages throughout the world in all formats, and through any medium of communication provided that you make reference to the first publication by the Journal and Unisa Press.

Editorial Policy

This journal subscribes to the ASSAf National Code of Best Practice in Editorial Discretion and Review for South African Scholarly Journals.

All users of the journal (including members of the Editorial Board) will have the right to submit articles for possible publication to the journal. Only the Editor-in-Chief will be excluded from this ruling.

Errata: Factual or conceptual errors in published articles that change the intended meaning of the text will be corrected after verification by the Editor-in-chief. This will be done by publishing an Erratum that states the correction made. The erratum will be linked to the original publication.

Author agreement

The author(s) agree(s) that the contribution is original work, was not published elsewhere, is not being considered for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere unless it is rejected by Education as Change or withdrawn by the author(s).

By submitting work for consideration to be published in EaC, the author(s) agree(s) with all the policies of the journal. The attention of the author(s) is drawn in particular to the policies on copyright, licensing and publication.

Neither the editorial staff, the board nor the publisher accept responsibility for the opinions or viewpoints expressed, or for the correctness of facts and figures.


Copyright remains with the author(s) of the article(s).

All articles published in EAC can be re-used under the following licence: 



 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Digital Preservation Policy

The journal policy is available on Sherpa.

EaC utilizes the Portico system. Click here to view EaC in the Portico Keeper's Registry.


EaC, the SARChI Chair: Community, Adult and Workers' Education, the Centre for Education Rights and Transformation (CERT), the Faculty of Education (University of Johannesburg) and Unisa Press make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information contained in our publication. However, EaC, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the contributions. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by EaC, CERT, the Faculty of Education (University of Johannesburg) or Unisa Press. EaC, CERT, the Faculty of Education (University of Johannesburg) and Unisa Press shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to, or arising out of the use of the content of the publication.


The journal publishes in English.

Open access

Education as Change is an Open Access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access.

Articles from this journal can be made available on personal websites and institutional repositories, subject to the following conditions:

1)            Always upload the final version as published at https://upjournals.co.za/index.php/EAC/index

2)            Acknowledge the publisher.

Cite the article as part of the metadata and include the DOI as part of the citation to the article.

Publication model and frequency

The journal only publishes online.

As from 2019, Education as Change publishes continuously one volume per year.

Articles are published online as they are finalised. A DOI is immediately allocated. Articles retain their initial page numbering.

After publication on the Unisa Press website, articles are also published on the SciELO SA site.

Usage and impact

Statistics are generated through OJS, as well as all other platforms indexing EaC.

Access selected statistics at:


EaC sponsors are the Faculty of Education (University of Johannesburg), the Centre for Education Rights and Transformation, the South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) in Community, Adult and Workers' Education, and the National Research Foundation.

Journal History

The Journal was established in 1997.

From 2007 to 2015 it was co-published by the University of South Africa Press and Taylor&Francis. From 2016, it has been located in the Centre for Education Rights and Transformation at the University of Johannesburg.

The journal is open access from 2016 and is currently published by Unisa Press.