Cracking the Code: Translation as Transgression in Triomf



This article has been braided from two main strands: first, my arguments probe the conditions that pertain to the project of literary translation in South African letters, both in the light of my own research into and observations of conditions in the field, and my own experience as a working translator, a participant in a domain that I regard as extraordinarily rich but also highly problematic. Second, the argument considers aspects of my own translation of Marlene van Niekerk’s paradigm-busting novel, Triomf (1994, 1999a, 1999b, 1999c, 2004), as a case history which serves as possible corroboration of my arguments in the first part.



Hierdie artikel bestaan uit twee gedeeltes: In die eerste plek stel ek deur my argumente ondersoek in na die projek van literêre vertaling in die Suid-Afrikaanse letterkunde. Die argumente word toegelig deur my eie navorsing oor en waarnemings van die toestande in die veld, asook my eie ervaring as aktiewe vertaler en deelnemer in 'n domein wat na my mening buitengewone skatte oplewer maar ook hoogs problematies is. Tweedens werp die argumente lig op aspekte van my eie vertaling van Marlene van Niekerk se roman, Triomf (1994, 1999a, 1999b, 1999c, 2004). Hierdie roman speel klaar met bestaande paradigmas en kan moontlik my argumente in die eerste gedeelte van die artikel bekragtig.


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Author Biography

Leon de Kock, University of the Witwatersrand

Leon de Kock is Professor and Head of School, School of Literature and Language Studies, University of the Witwatersrand. He is the author of many articles on postcoloniality, cultural politics, literary historiography, and translation. His books include Civilising Barbarians (monograph), South Africa in the Global Imaginary (co-edited and co-authored selection of essays), Verborge skatte (Herman Charles Bosman in Afrikaans, compiler and editor) and two literary translations, Marlene van Niekerk’s Triomf and Etienne van Heerden’s In stede van die liefde (forthcoming as Slideout). He is also the author of two volumes of poetry, Bloodsong (1997) and Gone to the Edges (2006).




How to Cite

de Kock, Leon. 2009. “Cracking the Code: Translation As Transgression in Triomf”. Journal of Literary Studies 25 (3):16-38.