Universities and the Co-construction of Knowledge with Communities





universities , community engagement, scholarship of engagement , knowledge co-construction, sociocultural power


The article discusses the question of the co-construction of knowledge between the university and its communities in the pursuance of community engagement, which is one of the key mandates of universities in South Africa. It reflects on the limitations of most academic approaches to the concept and practices associated with the scholarship of engagement and problematises the complex notion of knowledge co-construction and what is implied in this notion, dealing with the relationship between community engagement and sociocultural power and its associated issues.


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Author Biographies

Enver Motala, University of Johannesburg

Centre for Education Rights and Transformation, UJ

Salim Vally, University of Johannesburg

NRF-SARChi Chair in Community, Adult and Workers' Education (CAWE)


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How to Cite

Motala, Enver, and Salim Vally. 2022. “Universities and the Co-Construction of Knowledge With Communities”. Education As Change 26 (December):18 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/1947-9417/11352.



Themed Section 4
Received 2022-05-23
Accepted 2022-10-26
Published 2022-12-06