More Than Fluency: Artificial Stuttering as a Therapy in Drama Education in Palestine




artificial stuttering, Palestine, education, Dickens, language, drama, communication


This article explores the use of artificial stuttering as a powerful practice and therapy in higher education in Palestine where the need for applied drama is increasing. It specifically focuses on the artistic and/or performative re-employment of Charles Dickens’s Nicholas Nickleby to enhance the academic achievement and social development of dysfluent students throughout and beyond their university education. By using extra-curricular, art-mediated training and in-class performance of chosen passages from Dickens’s narrative, students not only improve their linguistic and intellectual competencies but also develop dynamic confidence to articulate themselves in daily social contexts during self-presentation. This academic practice, which is part of a one-term educational disability programme, focuses on training a selected number of undergraduate students with a severe or mild stutter by relying on the technique of artificial impersonation of the stuttering of Smike, who is one of the most common Victorian dysfluent characters, in different melodramatic acts. In this experience, students show linguistic growth and social command of communication, and thus chart a new subjective identity.


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How to Cite

Hamdan, Mohammed. 2024. “More Than Fluency: Artificial Stuttering As a Therapy in Drama Education in Palestine”. Education As Change 28 (February):22 pages.



Themed Section 1
Received 2023-03-23
Accepted 2024-01-16
Published 2024-02-26