Exploring the Abilities-Cultivation Model for Students in Undergraduate Academies in China





modern university academy, undergraduate education, the tutorial system in the academy , personnel training, student development


Based on the external impetus of social development and the internal demand for universities to return to the cultivation of abilities, modern universities are actively exploring the reform of the academy system, constructing high-quality ability-cultivation models, doing “addition” in the process of learning and living, and doing “subtraction” in the evaluation of the results of cultivation, achieving certain educational results. However, at the same time, the construction of academies is also facing difficulties in changing concepts, allocating quality resources, and the realistic dilemma of collaborative education between “academy” and “college”. The bottleneck of academy development should be addressed by actively exploring the school’s distinctive model, optimising top-level design, and enriching its spiritual culture. Facing the wave of reform in the academy system, universities should promote the localisation of the academy system in an orderly manner through deliberate thinking.


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How to Cite

Yuan, Jinshan, and Yawen Wu. 2024. “Exploring the Abilities-Cultivation Model for Students in Undergraduate Academies in China”. Education As Change 28 (June):16 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/1947-9417/15142.



Received 2023-10-30
Accepted 2024-01-23
Published 2024-06-20