Vocational Education and Graduate Struggles in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: A Freirean Approach





Technical Vocational Education and Training, Paulo Freire, National Certificate (Vocational), dialogue, participatory action research , employability, South Africa


This article, rooted in Paulo Freire’s transformative framework, critically examines Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), challenging the conventional emphasis on powerful knowledge. Instead, it forefronts contextual factors to unravel power dynamics, privilege, and social inequalities within the educational landscape. The primary aim is to engage in dialogues illuminating issues of power and social justice, offering insights to foster more inclusive and equitable TVET practices. Embracing a Freirean lens, the research article actively seeks transformative practices within TVET by emphasising the potential of dialogue, collaboration, and critical consciousness. It moves beyond merely describing students’ suffering and disappointment, focusing on the intrinsic aspect of Freirean ideas—the development of consciousness through dialogic processes. By incorporating the voices and perspectives of TVET students, the article aims to construct an alternative conceptualisation of TVET education. The article illustrates how dialogues contribute to developing a counterculture of resistance and struggle, aligning with Freire’s theory. It emphasises the transformative power of dialogue in addressing students’ lived experiences, struggles, rights, aspirations, and disappointments. This approach aligns with Freire’s belief that dialogue catalyses positive change and empowerment in education.


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How to Cite

Majola, Ezekiel, Lesley Powell, and Christina Jordaan. 2024. “Vocational Education and Graduate Struggles in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: A Freirean Approach”. Education As Change 28 (July):23 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/1947-9417/15943.



Received 2024-02-02
Accepted 2024-03-29
Published 2024-07-22