Exploring Emotional Preparedness of Novice English Teachers Using Grounded Theory in China





emotional preparedness, novice English teachers, grounded theory, psychosocial framework


Evolving educational paradigms and cultural expectations present distinct challenges for novice English teachers. This study explores the crucial role of emotional preparedness in novice English teachers, particularly in China, where gaps in understanding and support are evident. Employing a qualitative grounded theory approach, the study identifies key emotional management skills and institutional support factors via in-depth interviews, incorporating a psycho-social framework to explore how emotional regulation and self-awareness are crucial for teacher resilience and effectiveness. The findings underline the importance of personal emotional management skills, such as self-awareness and emotional regulation, alongside institutional support mechanisms, including professional development and peer networks. The research underscores the need for targeted training programmes that enhance personal and organisational support to boost teachers’ emotional resilience. These insights are pivotal for developing interventions that improve novice teachers’ emotional capabilities, promoting a more supportive educational milieu in China.


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Author Biographies

Ruyang Li, Zhejiang College of Security Technology

First author

Hedi Ye, Wenzhou Medical University

Corrsponding author

Zhenlong Lei, Zhejiang College of Security Technology

third author


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How to Cite

Li, Ruyang, Hedi Ye, Yaping Wu, and Zhenlong Lei. 2024. “Exploring Emotional Preparedness of Novice English Teachers Using Grounded Theory in China”. Education As Change 28 (August):25 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/1947-9417/16778.



Received 2024-05-22
Accepted 2024-07-12
Published 2024-08-29