Teaching and Learning Paulo Freire: South Africa’s Communities of Struggle





Paulo Freire, problem-posing educator, scholar activism


This article highlights both the internal educative practices of social movements and how these practices can effectively link to building Freirean pedagogies within higher education institutions. At the heart of this possibility lies the democratic transformation of relations between students and teachers on the one hand and researchers and activists on the other. I draw from two case studies of my own research on community-based organisations and workers’ movements in post-apartheid South Africa, which point to the possibilities and challenges of developing Freirean approaches within the neoliberal higher education context. The article suggests that if the goal of education is to challenge systems of oppression, then social justice and the democratisation of the knowledge project must be the guiding principles we employ to navigate our everyday teaching and learning practices both inside and outside the academy.


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How to Cite

Sinwell, Luke. 2022. “Teaching and Learning Paulo Freire: South Africa’s Communities of Struggle:”. Education As Change 26 (May):19 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/1947-9417/9368.



Received 2021-04-17
Accepted 2022-04-28
Published 2022-05-27